Marathon week 13-16

Posted on Aug 15, 2024

Another four weeks of training are done. This is the last “regular” four weeks segment. The next four weeks will be “peak week” and then taper until race day.

Schedule adherence

A few days after a long distance session I had bad feeling in my knee. This has now been going on for a week. I took a test run, which didn’t feel well and I was going to return home. Then it suddenly felt better and felt better the rest of the day. The day after it was back though.

I’ve therefore decided to take a hiatus with running, to see if it gets better. Hopefully (?) its just too much practice and my knee needs rest. I do struggle, however, to balance training with recovery these last few weeks.

That aside, I’ve manage to keep both my longest distance as well as the total distance each week.


The total distance I’m expected to have run each week.


The longest single distance each week I’m expected to run.

Estimate adjustments

In Chances of success I made some estimates on my odds of actually completing the marathon. This provides and updates to these values.

  • Fitness compared to failed runs in prevalence (+0%)
    • Until I meet someone how has done this course (or similar) this will remain as-is.
  • General life circumstances (0%)
    • I think I’ll manage to fit training into our schedule these last few weeks. If not, I don’t think it will affect my performance much anyway.
  • Injuries (-20%)
    • Quite worried about my knee at the moment. I might see a physiotherapist and get some advice.

All in all, I’m at 50% odds.