Marathon training summary

Posted on Sep 6, 2024

Tomorrow is race day!

To be honest, I’m not very excited. I was very excited a few weeks ago, when I was feeling strong. Currently I’m mostly feeling weak, that I’ve fallen into the trap that I can do something I cannot, demotivated by training hiatus and hurting knee. I’m afraid that I will not be able to finish, either because of my knee or because its too hard. I will find it humiliating – that I thought I was something I was not.

Schedule adherence

Its pretty obvious I failed to follow the plan. It started out well, but the injury made me fall short. The plan was to run 781 km in 20 weeks, I ended up with 636 km. 80% of the target distance. The longest planned run was 30 km and I managed 28 km.

That said, I’m still happy that I did the training and that the part that failed me was an injury, not lazyness.


The total distance I’m expected to have run each week.


The longest single distance each week I’m expected to run.

Estimate adjustments

Going back to Chances of success we can update the prevalence. I’m rather certain I will start tomorrow. (I can, of course, still be hit by a bus, but it feels unlikely) Its quite a bit difference between 2022 (95 %) and 2023 (88 %), but given the forecast (up to 27 °C) I’ll go with 85 %.

  • Fitness compared to failed runs in prevalence (+0%)
    • I never met someone, so I’ll just have to leave it at 0.
  • Injuries (-10%)
    • The knee feels alright. Its still my biggest fear, but it has been OK.
  • Forecast (-5%)
    • The forecast says 27 °C as peak temperature, which will be tough.

I think its a 70% chance I’ll finish the race tomorrow.