I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions, but I have a couple of goals for 2025.
- Run 31 km trail race (January)
- Run half marathon in less than 1:30
- Run at least 1200 km over the entire year
The first goal is mostly to kick of the year. I have been slacking off training the last months, so I think it will not be a walk in the park. The elevation gain is 1000m, which will be difficult. Plus the weather report now says 3°C and probably rain. Its purely a completion goal.
Half-marathon goal will have me running and focus a bit more on speed. I’m not a fast runner. I will be doing this with the same friend that I ran the trail marathon with.
The final goal is a continuation of this years goal of 1000 run km. With 1200 km, that will mean 100 kilometers per month. I’ll need to run a little more than 23 kilometers per week, which feels very doable.
I’ll be tracking the final goal with quarterly check-in’s to see hows its progressing. There rest will be what they may.