Hugo and Me

This site is built using Hugo. It was an extremely painless experience. (So far) I’m quite impressed how easy it is to host your own site these days. The process, for me, has approximately been: Buy your domain from a domain registrar Get a static IP from your ISP Set up a DNS to point to your server (I choose Cloudflare because it was free) Get some old computer and install an OS and web server (I choose Ubuntu Server and Nginx) Get a static site generator and build your site (I choose Hugo) For me, configuring the DNS was by far the most arcane step.…
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Launching a Blog

Launching the blog I was inspired by a blog post, which I found on a Mastodon post. So, for no reason other than “shouting into the void”, I decided to start this blog. Apart from that, there are a few background things I’ve been thinking about: Creating a personal repository for stuff that I note and keep coming back to Static site generators seem like fun I will probably just post what I find interesting.…
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