I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions, but I have a couple of goals for 2025. Run 31 km trail race (January) Run half marathon in less than 1:30 Run at least 1200 km over the entire year The first goal is mostly to kick of the year. I have been slacking off training the last months, so I think it will not be a walk in the park. The elevation gain is 1000m, which will be difficult.…
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Estimating power consumption

I’ve been trying to estimate the power consumption for Aqla. I’d like to order parts so I can start building a prototype. There are some expensive parts that needs dimensioning; the battery and the solar panel. The closer I can get a good estimate for these parts, the more likely it is I can reuse them to build the final device. And since it is a hobby project, I don’t want to splurge needlessly.…
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Making a water barrel level sensor

We have a water barrel that is filled with rain water. Connected to this is a solar powered irrigation system that waters our green house. The barrel can contain enough water for about a week, but it depends on how much the irrigation system pumps. (More sun equals more water) In addition, it can be “refilled” when it rains. Whenever we are away for more than a week, we run in to the issue of not knowing if there is enough water in the barrel or if our plants will die.…
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TIL: Setting Outlook (New) proofing language

The obvious place to look for changing the proofing language in Outlook would arguably be under “Settings”. Apparantly though, Microsoft has decided to have settings and options spread throughout the application. So here’s the steps if you want to change the proofing language: Start a new email (yes, you won’t be able to access the settings unless you do this) In the ribbon above, choose Options. Select the little pen at the left side and select Editor Settings.…
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Marathon training summary

Tomorrow is race day! To be honest, I’m not very excited. I was very excited a few weeks ago, when I was feeling strong. Currently I’m mostly feeling weak, that I’ve fallen into the trap that I can do something I cannot, demotivated by training hiatus and hurting knee. I’m afraid that I will not be able to finish, either because of my knee or because its too hard. I will find it humiliating – that I thought I was something I was not.…
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Marathon week 13-16

Another four weeks of training are done. This is the last “regular” four weeks segment. The next four weeks will be “peak week” and then taper until race day. Schedule adherence A few days after a long distance session I had bad feeling in my knee. This has now been going on for a week. I took a test run, which didn’t feel well and I was going to return home.…
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Marathon week 9-12

I’ve finished my next four weeks of training for running a marathon. I’ve been traveling and had a general lack of motivation to sum it up, so I lag behind. That also means I lag behind in keeping myself accountable. Schedule adherence I had some travel and illness that put a dent in my schedule. But my motivations is still there, which is more important. The total distance I’m expected to have run each week.…
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A thinking machine

I’m going to preface all this with saying I’m not a biologist, data scientist or AI researcher. This is just, as the rest of the blog, my thinking process. A friend and I had a discussion about a year ago what constitutes intelligence. It was in the wake of GPT 3.5, which spurred a lot of misapplied and half baked solutions of LLMs. We came to the point where the question was if GPT takes input and produces an output (a response), isn’t that also what human beings are doing?…
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Setting up automatic deployment for blog

In theory its pretty easy to setup automatic deployment of a static site. Build the site Copy the contents to server In reality, there are some things that makes it a little more difficult, and got me in trouble. It must all be run automatically (no interaction) Security must be considered so that you don’t leak secrets Copying from a server to another is more complicated than copying a file on your hard drive The fact that this post is published is evidence that it works – because it was all built and deployed automatically, two days after writing this.…
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Configuring password-less SSH

Password-less SSH relies on creating private and public keys that are used when logging in via SSH. Last time I was doing this it was a convoluted process of generating keys, copying them to the remote machine, and possibly also some installation. I don’t know if this changed or I didn’t find the correct instructions last time, but it is very trivial. The pair is generated on the client computer. The public key is then added to the host, which will use the public key to authenticate you.…
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